Sunday, July 20, 2008

Now on iTunes U: “Ask a Biologist”

Hosted by Dr. Biology (CJ Kazilek) and brought to us by Arizona State University, “Ask a Biologist” features interviews of prominent scientists who discuss tiger beetles, marine biology, the history of fire, microbes, bird song, arachnology, and a wide range of other life science topics. Whether you listen to the shows, read the transcripts, or both, “Ask a Biologist” makes for an enjoyable and thought provoking experience.
iTunes have been the best source of informative and educational information since they introduced iTunes U (iTunes University). "Ask a Biologist" already have 38 in tracks, i love how they explain questions that makes me say "Now i know.." Click here to Listen to Ask a Biologist

iLove iTunes

What's the best media player in the world? What's the easiest way to connect iPod, and iPhones to your computer? What's the easiest way to purchase online music? What's the simpliest ways to organise your digital media be it music, movies, or podcast? of course the answer is iTunes brought to us by the fine guys at infinite loop, CA.
It's a love and hate relationship, but if you're an apple fan, or into Macs for whatever reason, i guess it's best to stick with iTunes. Okay, okay... itunes may not be perfect but is there any media player that can or even be close to itunes ease of use ?
Truth is i had several problems with iTunes but, with googles help and pure persiverance i'm able to overcome and fix several problems (and i'll share them to everyone) to keep my iLife and your life happy..

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